Monday, April 6, 2020

Flaming fingertip; omnipotent hand.

Jerusalem - where heaven meets earth!

 Why doesn't God stop the pestilence? Why doesn't he stop the wars? Why doesn't he stop the suffering in this world?

- that is the question that has mystified people from generation to generation. If you look into the heavens at night... See the stars... the footprints of God, you say to yourself,
"my father, my heavenly father, he hung them there with his flaming fingertip, and he holds them there by the power of his omnipotent hand."

What God asks of men is FAITH; you can't see him, you can't hear him. God makes himself unseen.

 But I believe that God is still performing miracles! I believe that God is still healing bodies, I believe that God is still healing hearts, I believe that God is still transforming lives.

And he says to each of us: if you suffer, I will give the grace to go forward. But because you can't hear him and you can't see him, you turn away from him...and that is the most dangerous place to be!

To sit there day after day and never accept salvation. Hardening your soul, day after day, night after night, until it is too late - that God cannot even reach into your heart of hearts and save you from yourself.

 Darkness does not hide the eyes of God; God writes down your life from the time you were born until the time you day. Movie picture of your life.... A running loop of every thought and every action of every minute of every day and every second of every minute... And your own thoughts; your own deeds condemn you... Until you feel like you are drowning: a drowning man, a drowning woman, a drowning boy, and a drowning girl. Lost on the sea of life - not knowing which way to turn - but just looking for some kind of hope for the future. No matter how dark or how perplexing problems can be, it makes no difference. God can have every problem solved; every son washed away. Just reach out and hang onto the hand of God.

#pesach2020 #hopespringseternal
#prayer馃摉 #peace馃晩️
#journey #homewardbound馃彙
#chareidichicks馃悿 #breakingthemold馃悾

Inspired from the life story of Louis Zamperini who demonstrated that no situation is beyond hope and there is no darkness or hell to where God's light cannot reach. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

"Co-operation" vs. Co-vid19

On Wednesday, March 25th,2020, deep in the Covid-19 crisis, I posted a video in which I propose that social cooperation is a powerful tool we can leverage to overcome the challenge of Covid-19.

Covid-19 Background:
Human antibodies infusion from a person who recovered is being researched as a possible antidote the the virus. In this way, a person who was a carrier is transformed into a healer. 
Covid-19 mandates physical distancing from others offering a challenge to our ability to socialize, connect with others, create loving relationships and unique accomplishments towards a brighter and more prosperous world. 

Personal Reflections:
This is parallel to the Jewish understanding of personal redemption and atonement from sin. Repentance is not a simple process of wishing your burden be released, and whoosh! All your sins washed away. Rather, it is a process of acknowledgement of what you have done wrong, and whom you have harmed; inextricably linked to the consequent steps of self-improvement. Holding yourself back when temptation knocks again and pursuing opportunities to fix that which you have broken. 
Analogous to a rope that becomes shorter when cut and retied; a repentant soul achieves a closer connection to God. Repentance is also a process through which creativity and a greater good can be achieved; for the individual, and for the world. 

 Redemption through Repentance is a supernatural gift. This wonderful world was created imperfect, to give us human beings the awesome joy and privilege of being a part of creation. A world of justice, created my a merciful God. Repentance is mercy, which inherently contradicts justice. Therefore, it was created in the "twilight hour", just as the doors of creation closed and shabbat entered the world. 

The iconic story of sin and Repentance is told of 拽讬谉, first word murderer - he killed his own brother, 讛讘诇. There seems to be no sin more destructive to the world than that of murder. Specifically with regard to the fate of humanity and social justice. In a tit for tat, 拽讬谉 was destined to roam the earth in painful solitude with a scarlet letter on his forehead. Condemned for all to see. Where was God's mercy for 拽讬谉? Even if Repentance could give him salvation, akin to the Christian belief, this would only be salvation of the soul - in the afterlife? What about the supernatural gift God infused in this world? Was 拽讬谉 stripped of that possibility unable to redeem himself in all his journey on this earth? Rabbi Daniel Lopian answers, that yes, 拽讬谉 did redeem himself. He built the first city and revolutionized the manner in which humans interact. He thought he had to eliminate his brother for his own advantage and instead he taught us all that social interaction improves the lot of each person who takes a part. 

Torah Wisdom on Teshuva:
At a shabbat table, I recently heard a 讚讘专 转讜专讛 about parah aduma, that it makes a tamei person 讟讛讜专, and the person doing the sprinkling becomes contaminated - 讟诪讗 and has to immerse in a mikva, special pool of water, to purify himself.

A critical point mentioned was 诪拽讜讛 vs 驻专讛 讗讚讜诪讛 that when one seeks to purify himself by immersing in a 诪拽讜讛, the whole body must be immersed, every inch on skin must be in physical contact with the water, whereas 驻专讛 讗讚讜诪讛 only a sprinkle of ashes touching a small patch of skin, minimal contact, and purification is achieved.
 There is a pasuk about teshuva that refers to both these processes of purification, in which the word 讟讛讜专, pure is said twice, hinting at the reference to the two pathways. 
讗诪专 专讘讬 注拽讬讘讗: 讗讗专讬讻诐 讬砖专讗诇, 诇驻谞讬 诪讬 讗转诐 诪讟讛专讬诐, 讜诪讬 诪讟讛专 讗转讻诐 - 讗讘讬讻诐 砖讘砖诪讬诐. 诪讛 诪拽讜讛 诪讟讛专 讗转 讛讟诪讗讬诐, 讗祝 讛拽讘"讛 诪讟讛专 讗转讻诐. 

Rabbi Akiva said:
How fortunate you are Israel! Before whom you purify yourselves and who purifies you. Just as a mikva purifies the impure, so too, God purifies you. 

The 驻住讜拽 verse Says 诪讟讛专 twice as a hint to the 2 types of 讟讛专讛. 

One way is by a yom Kippur style of preparation, fasting, 讻讜诇讜 诇砖诐, every inch of our body connected to spirituality, while Hashem gives us a gift of a sprinkle of 驻专讛 讗讚讜诪讛 which just needs one drop. This Torah insight was shared shabbat after Purim, a holiday that has greater power for atonement, salvation, purity and closeness to God than even "Yom Kippur(im)" the day of atonement. On purim we are engrossed in physicality, costumes, feasts, parties, drinking, and on this day, through this pathway, just a minutia of spirituality, a mere sprinkle, can bring us to this place of complete atonement and connection to God. 

Thoughts and ideas:
When I was doing research about the breakthrough treatment for covid-19, human antibodies taken from the blood of people who recovered from the virus, I was thinking how the same person can have been the vector for the virus - the carrier - the reason others became sick, but then he can turn it around and his recovery, his "atonement" can be the very thing that makes people better, how 转砖讜讘讛 in Judaism (in comparison to "salvation" in Christianity, that merely wipes the slate clean) , is actually a catalyst for positivity, inspiration to others, 转讬拽讜谉 注讜诇诐 and bringing the world closer to 讘讬讗转 讛诪砖讬讞, and greater closeness to g-d.

 I wasn't sure if I would succeed in my project or how this draft would be incorporated, after all, it was just an idea - my small way of educating people in options that are out there, inspiring efforts towards a cure and possibly bring some hope to an end to this difficult period and a brighter future.